Parental Picks

Aid of Uncomfortability

Sleep training may seem impossible at times, especially at 4 am when your waking up to a screaming teether. Sometimes they are looking for comfort from mom and dad. What if we weren't as comfortable as the bed they were just sleeping in. Instead of trying to rock him back to sleep I held my little guy sitting almost straight up until he started squirming for a more comfotable laying position. At this point I let him settle into a laying position but kept him slightly raised. Once he started to fuss from there, I gently laid him in his crib, stroked his back a couple times and with a quick whine, which usually erupts into standing screamer, he settled into stinkbug and went to bed.
I've now done this a handful of times and the majority of times it has worked with the same results. I save this one for the middle of the night as to maintain our childs faith in my comforting skills.

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